Thursday, March 27, 2008

Please forgive me!

All you bloggers....I am sorry my posts are kind of crazy...I am not smart when it comes to computers and I am still trying to figure out how to do this blog thing!

My blue eyed Boy

My sweet little Asher is growing so fast I thought I would share some more photo's with you!!!

Asher's name means happy and blessed (Hebrew)

He is truly a happy baby! This picture was taken in October when he was 3 months.

The first photo was taken at 7 months...he was loves sweet potatoes! He has 4 teeth now...the front two on top and bottom. The middle pictures where taken by my sweet friend who knows I am dreaming of a SLR camera and since she has one she took some pictures for me. Asher just turned 8 months on Ethan's birthday. He turned 4 on Monday! I will post birthday pictures on Saturday after his big party with his friends. Well ....I will probably continue to post random pictures of Ethan and Asher since I am so behind!

Oops I am still trying to figure out how to do this....

Catching up

So this might seem a little silly but I wanted to start a blog around Halloween so I thought I would post some pictures from Halloween and Christmas.


Hello friends and family.....I finally did it! Now you can all stop harassing me! Just kidding....I have been wanting to start a blog for a very long time and today I decided enough is enough and I sat down (ignored the dishes and laundry...sorry Lanny) and did it!